Installation and Configuration
Emails tab
The penultimate tab of the plugin settings allows you to write the email that will be sent to the customer when the shipment is created.
1. Selecting to send the e-mail
First of all, you can choose whether an e-mail will be sent to the customer. We recommend that you leave this parameter ticked, as this email is the only automatic way to send the customer the tracking link for their shipment.

2. Selecting a single template or a template by language
You then have the option of choosing whether to send a single email to all your customers or to send emails according to the language of your customers (the languages supported are French, Spanish, Dutch and English). To choose between these two options, all you have to do is tick or untick the following option called “Enable multilingual emails”:

With this option unchecked, you will have a single email editor:

With this option ticked, you will have 4 mail editors, one for each supported language (French, Spanish, Dutch and English):

Please note that English is the default language if the customer’s language is not one of these four languages. The customer’s language is defined by the language of their internet browser at the time of ordering.
3. Drafting the e-mail(s)
From version 4.4 of the module, you have access to an advanced email editor that lets you format text and insert images (the previous version of the editor only allowed text entry). There are two special features with this editor:
- Pressing the “Enter” key ends the paragraph and starts a new one. This causes a line break. If you want to break a line in the same paragraph, you must press the Shift and Enter keys at the same time.
- By default, only the first line of options is shown. To access the second line of options, which gives you a choice of font or text colour, click on the last symbol on the first line:

In this tab, you can completely rewrite the email that will be sent to the customer when the shipment is created by Mondial Relay. This e-mail must contain the following information in the form of ShortCodes (a word between square brackets):
- [lien] : display of the Mondial Relay tracking link
- [expedition] : Mondial Relay order number
- [prenom] : First name of customer entered when ordering
- [nom] : Customer name entered when ordering
- [adresse] : Mondial Relay delivery address
Apart from this constraint, you can set up whatever you like within the limits of what the editor allows. You can see the details of each icon by hovering over it with the mouse: